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Freedom Tools

The following resources are designed to help you walk in daily freedom. This is not a comprehensive listing, nor is it meant to replace Christ-centred counselling or mentoring. We pray that you would find these resources helpful!

Who I Am in Christ

This list of helpful scriptures reminds us who we are in Christ and what He has done for us.

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Scriptural Declarations

Whether you’re looking to increase your knowledge of scripture or simply grow closer in your walk with God, we encourage you to speak a scriptural declaration over your life every day!

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Hearing the Voice of God

The Lord loves to communicate with His children in a variety of ways. Learn more about the way that the Lord speaks to you through our Hearing the Voice of God freedom tool.

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The Armour of God

Ephesians 6:11 says to put on the whole armour of God…in this document, taken from our Mercy For book series, Founder & President Nancy Alcorn explains how we can do this and how this metaphor explains vital aspects of our relationship with God.

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Truth Statements

The enemy will regularly seek to deceive us about who God is (His nature and His character) and about who we are. This list of truth statements and scriptures reminds us of the TRUTH of the heart, character and nature of God, as well as who we are because we belong to Him!!

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Baggage Beliefs & Freedom Facts

When overcoming anything in our lives, it is important to take time to identify the lies that we believe and replace them with the truth that sets us free. This Baggage beliefs and Freedom facts tool will help you do just that!

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Media Sources

Many young women at Mercy have reported that these external websites, apps, and other resources have been helpful in walking out their freedom in Christ.

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Understanding Our Authority in Christ

Taken from our new study, Keys to Freedom, this five-day devotional sets you on a path to a deeper understanding of our inheritance in Christ and the authority we have as believers. Discover how to more effectively live a life grounded in the power, hope, and freedom Christ has secured for us!

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Getting God’s Perspective on Your Life

What would it be like to walk each day with the mind of Christ instead of a mind plagued with thoughts that drag you down and block you from your full potential? In this five-day devotional, Founder & President Nancy Alcorn equips readers with practical tools to renew their minds by the power of God’s Word and in turn, live with a greater sense of freedom each day.

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